change management hero

Professional Certificate

Change Management

Everyone will experience change in the workplace and the Change Management Professional Certificate provides tools to help you lead the way. Increase your confidence in order to positively alleviate the obstacles to change and be equipped to communicate in diverse workplace communities. You can help yourself be more marketable and adaptable to change in the workplace with enhanced skills in communication, professional techniques and management models.

The eRasmussen Change Management Professional Certificate can help you be more confident navigating change, turning you into an anchor of strength within your organization.1

Get started in the Change Management Professional Certificate today

Reinforce Your Role as a Leader

Change is inevitable within any organization. The ability to successfully navigate and lead a team through change is a very important skill for any leadership position. Learning professional communication techniques and various change management models can give you the tools and knowledge to strengthen your role as a leader within your organization.

Upon completion of the Change Management Professional Certificate, you will have advanced your proficiency in the change management skills valued across job levels and industries.


Evolve Your Career

Cultivate in-demand, relevant job skills quickly and increase your potential without an overwhelming investment of time or money.

Prepare Your Organization

Learn how to construct a change model to drive organizational leadership.

Upskill Your Career

According to Burning Glass, an analytics software that provides real-time data, job postings looking for change management skills have grown 59%, which is much faster than average, from 2014–2018. 2

Update Your Resume

Gain valuable knowledge and techniques to diminish the obstacles to change, such as resistance and challenging reactions.


What You Will Learn

  • COURSE 1

    Managing Change

    • Focus on the impact of change in an organizational setting
    • Explore various change management models
    • Develop a foundation for approaching change, as well as effective skills and techniques to better perform in the workplace when change occurs
    • Apply business concepts to real-world case study examples
    • Determine strategies for bringing constructive change to an organization
  • COURSE 2

    Professional Communication

    • Learn communication theory and skills to develop professional documents and oral presentations
    • Construct effective and approachable communications for diverse workplace communities and disciplines
    • Emphasize thinking and writing within global contexts, in collaborative situations and in various electronic environments
change management skills
Be a positive influence on your organization with open and advanced communication skills.

Two Courses

Completing these courses will qualify you for the Professional Certificate. Show your proficiency by sharing your badges and certificate on your resume or LinkedIn®.3


Affordable and Convenient

Affordable and Convenient

Engaging content such as videos, infographics and interactive elements emphasize skill mastery; not just theory. Earning a Professional Certificate means quickly realizing the benefits of your new proficiencies with validated skill competencies to showcase on your resume.

Plus, all of the eRasmussen Professional Certificates are available to everyone with no costs or fees to help support our community of motivated learners.4

  • Career training that’s easy to manage

    • No cost to you 4
    • Cloud-based and available on your time
    • Average completion time per course is just six to eight hours 5
    • Easily digestible content units (45–90 minutes), including video, imagery and interactive elements that keep you engaged
    • Our courses save your progress in real time, allowing you to pause your work and complete it later

2 courses

$0 per course

100% online


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